SALT from Michael Dax Iacovone on Vimeo.
“Artist Statement:
I like to think of drawing as a broad term, not limited to pencil on paper. Drawing is a record and a representation. It can be a record of what something looks like, or it can represent a location, or an action. It can be a record of an event, or an idea, but it isn’t mistaken for any of these things, it is not a substitute. I draw by moving through spaces based on systems. The artifacts of these journeys are records of those drawings.
I create systems to experience spaces through movement and labor. I make art by creating maps, drawings, photos, and videos that utilize the virtual understandings of space to create systems and formulas to actually experience those spaces. Ideally, the presentation of the formulas and systems along with the visual manifestation of the work will influence the viewers into considering and possibly experiencing their own spaces differently…. but that’s a lot to ask. Maybe someone just wants to look at it, and I’m good with that.” (credit)