“Title: Traces of Time, walking the Jardins de l’Abbaye de la Cambre in summer
Author: photography and text by Alexandra Huddleston
Link to Downloadable Press Release
Traces of Time explores how walking – in particular walking in a park – influences our perception of space and place. Through a close, meditative, and pedestrian observation of the built and biotic landscape of one of Brussels’ most beloved parks – the Jardins de l’Abbaye de la Cambre – this work highlights the small, almost imperceptible, hourly and daily transformations that mark time’s passing. The work was photographed in August and September of 2021 while Alexandra was an artist in residence at the Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain. The resulting book is a hand-bound, limited edition artist’s book that centers around eight photographic sequences, interspersed with large, single images.” (credit)