Pope.L , The Great White Way: 22 miles, 9 years, 1 street, Broadway, New York (2001-09)

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man crawling and rolling in a superman costume

William Pope L., “Training Crawl”, (for The Great White Way: 22 miles, 5 years, 1 street), 2001. Lewiston, Maine. Performance photographs. © William Pope L. Courtesy of the artist.

Check out this descriptive article from 2003, from the work in-progress:

“The socio-economic implications of Broadway are enormous, and examining what Broadway “represents” is the first key to making some sense of William Pope.L’s complex, ongoing street performance The Great White Way.”

“Since the late 1970s, Pope.L has been infecting the streets of New York with periodic street performances, reminders that the country, city, and culture he lives in have a long way to go before the discomforts of race and stereotyping have safely receded.”

In this work, Pope.L crawled the full length of Broadway.

The entire crawl was recorded on video and later edited.