Amy Sharrocks “Season for Falling and Invitation to Fall” (2013)


Season for Falling – archived webpage

woman falling out door

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Season for Falling: “For the duration of her 3-month residency, Sharrocks has been falling. Sometimes using her own body and often inviting groups to join her in acts of vulnerability, attempting to understand falling as the natural way of things. She is exploring the meaning and experience of both physical and conceptual falling. She questions the feelings of exposure and shame of being un-surefooted, the difficulties of being out of control and the liberation of inelegance.”

Sharrocks makes work about falling, exploring the trips and stumbles of everyday life.[13]:91 She focuses not only on the physical act of falling, but also the conceptual framework around the experience and meaning of falling.[14][15] Sharrocks won the Sculpture Shock Award from the Royal British Society of Sculptors, which resulted in the exhibition Season for Falling.[16] She also created An Invitation to Fall on the King’s Road with the Museum of London. The work was an open invitation for participants to fall, and questioned notions of risk and shame, and explored the complicity of acts of witness. In 2012, Sharrocks hosted a Study Room Event at the Live Art Development Agency called A Guide to Falling; a full slide show is available at the LADA Study Room.[17] She has recently written about the work for the journal Performance Research, in a long form essay titled ‘An Anatomy of Falling’,[14] which was subsequently reproduced in the Live Art Almanac.[18]