Akira Kanayama “Ashiato (Footprints)” [1956]

person with footprints on paper through park

Akira Kanayama “Ashiato (Footprints)” [1956]

Akira Kanayama (1924-2006) was part of the Gutai Group in 1950s Japan. The installation created by Kanayam, was part of the 1956 show that fellow Gutai artists Yoshihara Jiro and Shimamoto Shozo participated in. A major theme for this outdoor exhibit was audience interaction with both the environment and the artwork. (credit)

“His use of plastic inflatables and footsteps on vinyl sheets in other works also suggest his positive interest in new materials and mediated representation of body.” [credit]

Further Reading:

Tiampo, Ming. Gutai: Decentering Modernism. (The University of Chicago Press: 2010)