02. Resume Review


  1. You will have printed 4 copies of your résumé for class. 1 copy will be used for critiquing organization and layout in class (i.e. how easy is it to read). You will then need to find two classmates to read through the content of your résumé — give them each one copy. Finally, you will need to take your fourth copy to the Writing Center to have it proofread. Details for each of these steps are as follows.
  2. Layout Critique: In class, we will have small-group discussions about how we can improve the layout of our résumés. Take notes for possible changes, and keep in mind that many different individuals will have many different opinions and tastes regarding what works and what doesn’t. (this happened while I was out of town)
  3. Peer Critique (2): Give a résumé to two different people, and collect résumés from two others (do not just trade résumés with someone). Read the résumés for clarity, organization, content (such as making sure there are dates and job titles) and ultimately spelling and grammatical errors. A résumé should be judged on the content, not whether or not you can spell. Sign your name clearly on the back of the résumés you review, along with the date you read it.
  4. Writing Center: Finally, have someone at the Writing Center proofread your résumé as well. You do not need them to discuss hierarchy and layout (unless you want) but they should read for clarity, spelling and grammar. Please make sure to have them print and sign their name on the copy of the résumé that they proofread, along with the date that it was read.
  5. When you are finished with proofreading the résumés you received, you may hand them back to the original writer. Make sure that your notes are clear and easy to understand — the original writer will need to make corrections without you present to explain what you meant.
  6. You will need to return your résumés to the original writers by no later than the start of class on the date they are due.


Bring the three résumés you had proofread to class (2 from peers, 1 from writing center), signed by the proofreaders. Each person in the course will have checked 2 different résumés.

  • Peer reviewed résumés (10 pts – 5 pts each)
  • Writing Center résumé (5 pts)


  • Résumés not returned to the original writer by the start of class (failure for the reviewer)
  • 3 proofread résumés not brought to class
  • Did not get résumés proofread by the required individuals