01. Paper 1, Draft 1 & Goals List


Whether we have come to terms with it or not, in nine months we will be graduating, which means that now is the time to begin preparing for the inevitable: finding a job. However, just hoping for something good to happen, or having a career dropped into our laps is not an option. If we hope to succeed, in any capacity, it is important to have a plan and do some research about what we may want to do after the second week in May.

These initial papers will give us insight into our profession and will allow us to think more critically about what we may want to do with our careers.


By the time we’re done with this project, we will be able to do the following:

  1. Think about our goals for after graduation.
  2. Organize our thoughts into a concise, written format.


  1. Review Chapter 01 of the Artist’s Guide.
  2. Think about your career goals after graduation.
  3. Create 2 lists: Short-term and Long-term goals. These do not have to be written in complete sentences – they are just bulleted lists.
  4. Under Short-term goals, create a list of 10–15 things you want to accomplish professionally and personally within 1 year of graduation (May 2015–May 2016).
  5. Under Long-term goals, create a list of 15–20 things you want to accomplish professionally and personally within 3 years of graduation (by May 2018).
  6. Think critically about your goals, but remember to not edit yourself. Whatever goals come to mind, regardless of how unrealistic they seem, write them down.
  7. Save your two lists as a single PDF.


  1. Write a very concise paper outlining and reflecting on your goals (talk about why these are your goals, etc). This must be written in complete sentences. You are limited to no more than 2-pages, single-sided.
  2. Use 12pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Write your name and the date at the top of both pages.
  3. Papers will be graded on readability and adherence to the assignment.
  4. In class, we will be presenting our papers. You do not need to create a full PowerPoint presentation; Discussing the contents will be sufficient (never read from a paper when presenting).


  • Submit a copy of your goals list as a PDF on Blackboard. — 5 points
  • Submit a printed copy of your paper, 2-pages stapled together or 1-page, printed double-sided. — 5 points


  • Goals not received on time
  • PDF does not work / open
  • Name and date are not at the top of the page(s)
  • Paper is longer than 2-pages
  • Paper does not adhere to directions
  • Paper is off-topic or is not clear
  • Paper is unreadable