05. Peer Review #2


  1. You will have printed 3 copies of your statement for class. For this review, you will need to give your statements to 3 people to critique.
  2. Ask the reviewers to read your current draft and to make notes about areas that are easier to understand and areas that need more clarification. Also ask them to proofread for grammar and spelling and overall flow / ease of reading.
  3. When you are reviewing others’ statements, make sure that your notes are clear and easy to understand — the original writer will need to make corrections without you present to explain what you meant. You will need to return your statements to the original writers by no later than the start of class on the date they are due.

///////// GRADING : 6 pts (PASS / FAIL)

The assignment will be graded on the following criteria:

  • Reviewed statements (6 pts)


  • Statements not returned to the original writer by the start of class (failure for the reviewer)
  • 3 proofread statements not brought to class
  • Did not get statements proofread by the required individuals