05. Mock Interviews

Now we’re going to make this really real. Your first step will be to dress professionally, based on our discussions in class. You will be graded on your clothing and personal hygiene choices. During class, we will split into groups of 3. Each group will have an Interviewer, an Interviewee and an Observer. The requirements for each can be found below, and each student will serve in each role at least once.

    • Interviewer: You will be required to interview one of your peers for 15 minutes. This may seem like an easy task, but it can be challenging if you have not prepared your mindset to be asking questions. During the interview, you can ask any of the questions from the assignment or any questions that you think of, such as follow-ups to previous questions. If there is an answer you would like clarification on, then ask. NOTE: Although it can be strange pretending to interview your friends and classmates, this is an opportunity to actually help one another with a very challenging process. Give your interviewee as much respect as you would hope to receive.
    • Interviewee: You will be interviewed by one of your peers. Make sure to brush up on your interview answers and etiquette, as you will not have a copy of your written answers in front of you. Remember, your interviewer may ask you questions that were not on the sheet, so think about how you might approach an unknown question.
    • Observer: It will be your job to watch the interview, and take notes about things the interviewee does well or not so well. Think about what makes a good answer vs. a bad answer, the way that he/she speaks, the way he/she handles his/her body language, etc. Remember that someone will be keeping notes for you as well, so do as good a job as you would want from your observer

At the end of each interview session, we will spend 5 minutes talking with our groups about what worked well and what could be improved. Observers will be asked to share their notes and observations with the Interviewee.

///////// HOW TO PREPARE

To get credit for this assignment, you will need to come to class prepared for the interview process:

  • Review your interview questions and answers.
  • Dress professionally and review etiquette such as body language, eye contact, handshakes, etc.
  • Think about job postings you have seen, and the types of questions that might be a part of those interviews.

///////// GRADING : 20 pts

The assignment will be graded on the following criteria:

  • Professional dress (10 pts – A–F)
  • Participating in the interviews (10 pts – PASS / FAIL)


  • Not dressed professionally
  • Unprepared to ask interview questions
  • Unprepared to take notes as an observer
  • Unwilling to participate in interview processes
CREDIT: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-07/20/13/enhanced/webdr07/enhanced-11058-1437414729-1.jpg

CREDIT: http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-07/20/13/enhanced/webdr07/enhanced-11058-1437414729-1.jpg