This assignment will fill 3 pages in your sketchbook.
Draw 6 perspective boxes (each box gets a half-page in your sketchbook, so this will take up 3 pages in your sketchbook).
— 1-point perspective box above the horizon line
— 1-point perspective box AT the horizon line
— 1-point perspective box below the horizon line
— 2-point perspective box above the horizon line
— 2-point perspective box AT the horizon line
— 2-point perspective box below the horizon line
Using a ruler – draw and label horizon line (HL) and the vanishing points (VP) on each box drawing. Label each drawing with one of the above mentioned titles: “1-point perspective box above the horizon line,” etc.
If you need help remembering the rules of perspective, check out this Brief Intro to Linear Perspective, 1 Point Perspective Drawing, 2 Point Perspective Drawing,
These images illustrate how to layout your pages in your sketchbook: