Event Promotions

Write a press release:
Send all CVPA news items to Natalie Mendonça at Nmendes@umassd.edu
Include title, summary, main content, and supporting links and images if available.
News will be published in the CVPA News section of the website, UMD Announce, social
media, and the CVPA newsletter.

1) Create a promotional image for the TV screens hanging at CVPA and Star Store. This image should be 1920 x 1080 pixels (72dpi). Send that image to Paula Medeiros,  perenberg@umassd.edu


2) Create a Facebook event by sending the following to Ellen at emueller1@umassd.edu

  • an image for the event
  • a title for the event
  • date, time, location
  • short description of the event

3) Info for the UMass Dartmouth official calendar:

  • an image URL for the event
  • a title for the event
  • date/time/location
  • short description of the event

4) Make a poster to hang in the elevators and on bulletin boards

5) Submit your press release to the Standard Times using this online form.

6) Email press contacts at RIPR, South Coast Today, etc.

7) Contact local TV stations via these links:

8) You can print small (1/4 page) announcements and put them in the mailboxes (70) at the Star Store Mailroom

9) Take photos of the exhibit and submit to The Rib: http://the-rib.net/submissions

If you need campus images, UMASSD PhotoGraphics: Go to http://library.umassd.edu/photographics/ to access UMASSD PhotoGraphics Image Collection and Work Request Form