01. Round Two

You had your first stab at an artist talk at the end of last semester. You will do this activity two more times this semester, and each time you are expected to improve your performance based on previous feedback. Once with an invited audience in the Art Department, and once at the end of the semester, coinciding with the exhibition receptions.


Step 1: Introduction

In short, this is kind of like the answer to the ‘Tell me a little about yourself,’ question we dealt with last semester. Remember to keep it concise and relevant. Explain the following:

  • who you are
  • where you are from
  • what your professional goals are
  • what you will be showing us.

Step 2: Describe the Following Items

  • Subject — What is the subject of your work? This is an explanation of what the viewer sees. It can be representational or non-representational.
  • Content — What does the work mean? What is the concept? While the subject is what we see, the content is what makes us think / feel.
  • Form — What did you make? (The physical objects.) And, why is this form the ONLY form that can express your ideas?
  • Context — These are the factors that surround the creation or display of a work. These might include location, audience, technology, etc. A picture in a gallery will have a very different meaning than the same picture on the outside of a building.

Step 3: Conclusion

Briefly summarize your overall goal for the exhibition and why you think THIS exhibition achieved that goal.

Step 4: Finally, open the floor to questions.


  1. You must have a Powerpoint or multi-page PDF to accompany your presentation. This visual support must include relevant imagery. Don’t be afraid to have fun or have a sense of humor. Remember that relevant doesn’t always mean sombre. Submit your presentation on Blackboard. 5 points.
  2. Attire/Grooming: follow professional dress guidelines we established for interviewing. 5 points.
  3. Presentation Skills (body language/positive mannerisms, projecting voice, confidence, usage of technology, engaging the audience, etc) 10 points.
  4. Organization of Presentation (logical flow of information, clear introduction, discussion of your work, and clear conclusion). 5 points.
  5. Quality of your content (is there a clear concept/goal, is the work impressive, are the images high-quality) 5 points
  6. Self-Reflection – submit a PDF on Blackboard. 3 points.


Presentation not received on time
Presentation incomplete or missing elements
Did not give presentation