
WHY are we doing this?
There is practical value in completing a portfolio and self-evaluation. The evaluation and communication skills required of this assignment are not unfamiliar to most workplaces and hiring practices – consider being asked “what is your biggest weakness?” in an interview, or having to write a self-review at work. The reality is that these are extremely common scenarios and yet most people only encounter them within the workplace, so the assignment gives students the opportunity to practice writing in the professional “voice” that is required for cover letters, resumes, self-evaluations, and interviews.

For each portfolio, mid-term and final, you will write a self-reflection and submit it online. The self-reflection should answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the one strongest work and the one weakest work in your portfolio. How did you determine what work was “strong” and “weak”?
  2. Describe the easiest assignment to complete and the most difficult assignment to complete. What was the difference between an “easy” and “difficult” assignment?
  3. If you could redo any one piece in your portfolio, which would it be and why? What would you do differently?
  4. Reflect on what your portfolio may not reveal about the semester. Do you think the work in your portfolio is an accurate reflection of your development in the class?
  • Were there any aspects of figure drawing that came naturally to you? How did you use this to your advantage?
  • Were there any aspects that were difficult? Were you able to devise a strategy to manage those difficulties?
  • What did you think would be easy for you but in reality, turned out to be difficult? What was difficult for you but then was easier than you anticipated?

5. Was there a turning point in the semester for you? When did it occur and why did it happen? Is this “a-ha” moment included or reflected in your portfolio?

Midterm Portfolio must include:
– your sketchbook
– your 5 best black and white figure drawings
– your 5 best color figure drawings
– your colored pencil still life

Final Portfolio must include:
– Your ten best figure drawings from the entire semester (can be partial or full figure)
– Your best geometric construction exercise
– Your feet drawing

Grading Criteria:

Self-Evaluations will be graded pass/fail. All questions must be answered, must maintain a professional and respectful tone, and students must write at least 800 words. Each of these criteria must be met to pass.

Portfolios are graded on craft, completeness (all required drawings are present).