QZ08. Rachel Maclean & The Sexy Lie

Read “Galerie Dennis Cooper presents… Rachel Maclean” and watch “The Sexy Lie”. Then take quiz on Angel. Remember, all online assignments are due 1 hour before the start of class.

After reading the Rachel Maclean interview, select one of her videos to watch (they can be found on her website). What do you think of her work? Be detailed in your reasoning as you explain your opinion. Write at least three sentences in your response.

After watching “The Sexy Lie,” what is your impression? Do you agree or disagree with the presenter? Be detailed in your reasoning as you explain your opinion. Write at least three sentences in your response.

Describe how the Rachel Maclean interview and “The Sexy Lie” video conceptually intersect. Be detailed in your reasoning as you explain your opinion. Write at least three sentences in your response.