West Virginia Wesleyan College // School of Fine Arts & Humanities
Department of Art
Fall Term 2013 // Painting I // ART211
Classroom: McCuskey Room 108
Section 1: Tue/Thu Noon-2:30
Professor: Ellen Mueller // Office: McCuskey Room 105
Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 2:30-4:30pm & by appointment
Email: mueller_e@wvwc.edu
BRIEFLY: This course is an introduction to painting. Students will undertake comprehensive consideration of the principles of design and color and their application to pictorial composition. Students will begin experimentation in various media.
- Students will gain basic knowledge and understanding of oil painting materials and processes including softhair vs bristle brushes, knife work, impasto, mediums, grounds, glazes, etc. While utilizing these materials and processes, students will practice the skill of defining space and rendering three-dimensional forms in two-dimensional space.
- Students will practice identifying and utilizing the elements and principles of design.
- Students will gain enhanced fluency in visual language and the ability to use that language, both written and oral, in their personal painting practice and public critique.
- Students will gain an introduction to forming creative ideas through conceptual assignments.
- Students will gain awareness of the historical context of painting by looking at both historical and contemporary artists as frames of reference for their practice.
- Students will begin to learn the professional practices of an artist in terms of documenting their work and self-discipline to complete all work in a timely fashion. Students will practice taking photos of their paintings, turning in a documentation disk of all their work at the end of the semester. Students will also post images of their homework photos to a blog.