07. Textbook/Supplies

TEXTBOOK: NONE, but you DO need to get a sketchbook with at least 50 white pages. It should not be smaller than 8.5″x11″. I recommend a spiral bound sketchbook so it can open and lay flat.


You can order a kit from the Providence outlet, Jerry’s Artarama, for $66.24. To order, call Jerry’s at 401-331-4530. Identify yourself, school, and which kit(s) you wish to purchase (FOU120 2D Design). Jerry’s will process a credit card sale over the phone and your materials will be delivered to you on campus by the start of class, by the second day of your class. If you are only able to pay by cash or check, call anyway to reserve your kit(s). Kits are first come first serve. Cash or check payments will be accepted by the Jerry’s representative on delivery day.

If you prefer to order supplies online and have them shipped to you, here is a DickBlick list. This list includes a sketchbook and a portfolio for holding the large flat items (paper pads, cutting mat, ruler, etc.)

These are the items in Jerry’s kit (below). If you already have much of the supplies, you may want to buy what you need individually.

Kneaded Eraser


Ruler/Scale (metal cork back)

Plastic Triangle (45 or 60 degree)

X- Acto knife and replacement blades (#11 classic fine point) [Recommended: X-Acto brand Gripster Precision Knife]

Cutting Mat – self healing (no smaller than 8 . x 12 )

Masking tape

Rubber cement Glue 16 oz.

Rubber cement Pickup Square

Glue Stick

Pad of Bristol paper (smooth 11 x 17 inches)

Micron or equivalent black marker set (various sizes)

Gouache paint set (Minimum 6 to 8 colors)

Brush set that includes flat square and round

Plastic palette knife

Disposable paint palette/pad – *OR* you can bring a few lids from plastic containers that you don’t care about (yogurt or ice cream containers work great). You’ll use them as surfaces for mixing paint – they have a nice edge to prevent spilling paint.

 Yogurt lid  lid