
Read Living With Ghosts: From Appropriation to Invocation in Contemporary Art [part I.] by Jan Verwoert in our textbook.
Read Marina Abromovic’s Time by Abigail Levine in our textbook.

Type answers to these 3 questions and bring your paper to class.

In Living With Ghosts… select a sentence or two that made no sense to you. Type this sentence into your paper, and make sure to cite the page number, and what paragraph from the top. Explain in at least three sentences what is confusing about the sentence. Talk about any words you didn’t understand the meaning of, and describe what you found when you looked them up.

In Living With Ghosts… select a sentence or two that you think makes an important point. Type this sentence into your paper, and make sure to cite the page number, and what paragraph from the top. Explain in at least three sentences why you think it is important.

Select one work by Marina Abromovic, that was both mentioned in the reading and in “The Artist is Present” movie. Respond to the work and cite the text in your response.