
Similar to our midterm, now that we’ve completed several exercises using Arduino, it is your turn to apply what you’ve learned to a creation of your own. You can build on any part of our past projects. The only hitch? You have to incorporate an idea or concept related to our study of memories. Keep in mind that while many of the projects we have created or watched have had specific useful functions, you can also create a kinetic work that is purely aesthetic and related to the idea of memories through visual metaphor. Take for example the following 3 samples:

Zimoun, “Sound Architectures, Sculptures & Installations” Compilation Video V.3.4 / Updated: February 27, 2015

Olafur Eliasson “Ventilator” (1997)

Kellie Bornhoft, “Processes Natural”

Your project should be something you care about as an artist and a person, and an idea that you want to explore in-depth.  Make something you want to see in the world!  Be brave, be bold, take risks and experiment, have no fear, think big!

For help with creating an enclosure for your creation, check out “How to Make Almost Anything (using acrylic and machine screws)”.

Need some inspiration? Here are some online sources to peruse that might spark your imagination:


Tom Igoe’s Code, Circuits, & Construction

Vermont Makers



  • To apply our knowledge of Arduino
  • To apply our knowledge of memories as they relate to contemporary art
  • To practice critique by articulating in spoken and written form what constitutes a successful, competent, and/or engaging work through analysis of the components of an artwork
  • To practice employing the elements and principles of 4D art and design


  1. Research and planning: You must come up with at least 5 ideas for possible works. You must verbally present those ideas, along with sketches for each idea, to the class. Sketches will be collected (1 sketch per page, and put your name on each of them).
  2. The class will give feedback, and based on this constructive criticism, students will select an idea to execute.
  3. In addition to the artwork, students will prepare an artist’s statement that will be printed and turned in on the day your project is due. Your statement should consider the following questions, but should be written in paragraph format (not a numbered question/answer format):
    • What is this work about? (This is the idea, theme, message, or concept for your piece. Think of this as the thesis statement for your work.)
    • Why do you want to do this work? (This is your explanation of the importance of the work and what it means to you)
    • How will you do this work? What is it made of or out of? (This is how you envision the artwork happening—medium/a, actions, texts, audience/performer relationship, etc.)
    • What do you want this work to do or accomplish? (This is the outcome or experience you anticipate for the work)
    • How does it relate to memories/microcontrollers?

4.  Make sure you thoroughly document your work with excellent photographs, and possibly video if it is possible.

5.  There will be a full-class critique on the day it is due. (see schedule)

6.  After completing the artwork, you will complete a self-analysis on Blackboard.

  • Discuss your work in terms of the Components of an Artwork
  • How does the work engage with Elements and Principles of 4D design? Make sure to mention specific elements and specific principles.
  • How was your project successful?
  • How could the project be improved?

7. Finally, upload your documentation to our class Flickr Account
pass: Spring2015


  • Brainstorming/Sketchs = 5 points
  • Execution of the project = 5 points
  • Artist Statement (How well did you answer the questions? Did you provide a printed copy?)= 5 points
  • Quality of documentation and on-time upload = 5 points
  • Thoughtful critique participation = 3 points
  • Self-Analysis on Blackboard = 8 points

In-class peer evaluation sheet