
You need a sketchbook for this class with at least 20-30 blank pages. It should be at least 8.5″x11″. Make sure to clearly sign, date, and label each page in your sketchbook so I know what I’m looking at, and to ensure you get full credit for the work you’ve done.

You will keep all of your exhibition reception signatures in your sketchbook on a SINGLE page (important for making sure I can find them all and give you credit).

For your final installation project:

Page 1 — You will search online for at least 10 images related to your idea. You will also search online for at least 3 images by artists who are doing work similar to your installation idea. Make sure to write the artist’s name near their images so you don’t forget who did them. This could take up 2 pages as illustrated below.
Print off your images and glue them into your sketchbook (use rubber cement – not white glue which will ruin your pages).

Page 2 — Do 10 thumbnail sketches of various ideas for your project. Remember these are very rough small sketches and will take up no more than 1 page.

Pages 3-5 — Select your 3 favorite ideas, and do a full page sketch for each one. These will be more detailed than the thumbnails and will include notes and labels to help others understand what you’re talking about.

You will present your research and planning to the class midway into your project. The class will provide feedback, and you will have the opportunity to make changes before the project is finished.