Required Reading:
Why we’re doing this:
We will develop our professional skills by practicing digitally archiving our work. It is important to learn how to create effective high-quality photos/videos of your work because it will not only prepare us for the basic requirements of being an arts professional, it is also a skill that will help you in any field.
What’s required:
- We will do this once at near the middle of the term: Scan or photograph (I recommend scanning – it’s easier) all of your projects. The files must be 300dpi and at least 7 inches on its short edge. If you are scanning, make sure the color settings are set correctly for an accurately colored scan (do a test scan to see if it is working), or if you are photographing, make sure the lighting is even and/or that you are color-correcting in Photoshop. The images you submit must look like your original artworks. If your work is time-based, record it using video. If it is 3D, you can record it with both images and video.
- Be sure to crop the images to include only the artwork (no spiral bindings, or distracting things in the background).
- You will upload your files to an album with YOUR FULL NAME on our class Flickr account (click the link to access Flickr).
Password: Fall2017 - All the files should be named as follows:
Use these same file names as the captions for your images. - All documentation must be uploaded no later than 1 hour before the start of class on the day it is due. Submit a link to your Flickr album on Canvas.
- Log in to Flickr using the login info here.
- Navigate to the albums page:
- You’ll arrive at a page that looks like this:
- Click the Upload button in the top right corner:
- Select your photos to add to Flickr.
- Then, Click on
- Then, Click on the “Create New Album Button”
- Title your album:
- Click the “Create Album” button and then make sure your album has a green checkmark by it:
- Then click the Upload button:
- You will get a confirmation screen like this:
Click the Upload button.
- All the work is included in your Flickr Album & Correct file names/captions – 1pts
- Photographed/scanned/recorded from a level angle? (no slanted edges because you are above/below the drawing as you shoot), Lighting is even, images are sharp – 3pts
- Color is accurate in comparison to the original piece & Good contrast (not over-manipulated via filters/adjustment layers) – 2pt
- Images are cleanly cropped, 300dpi & at least 7 inches on the short side – 4pts
Visit the VRC or the library to use their scanners. Ask for help if you need it.
How to COMBINE multiple scans into a single image (if your sketchbook doesn’t fit nicely on the scanner):
- Scan both halves of the drawing. Keep both files open.
- Follow the directions in this video (it can take a little while to load):
I scanned this sketchbook page (this would get an “A”):