Why are we doing this? (objectives)
You will use the library for all sorts of research projects throughout this class, and your college experience. It’s important to become comfortable with the library and its tools. We will use this zine-based project to explore the library and its tools. Zines are independent publications produced in small batches and distributed in non-traditional ways. Zine-making resists mainstream media, ideals, and profit to offer an alternative, grass-roots mode of communication.
- To recognize and utilize the intellectual community of the College of Visual and Performing Arts and resources of the University at large.
- To read current articles on art theory, studio practitioners, and other topics in the arts
- To engage in collaborative learning
- We will attend a brief presentation at the library where you will meet Olivia Miller, the CVPA librarian. She will walk us through the library’s resources, and we will proceed to make a zine about the library.
- Students will work in groups of 4, divided by major. (be sure to exchange contact information immediately!)
- This will be an 8-page zine made from a single sheet of paper. Each person is responsible for 2 pages. Each group will turn in 2 copies of their zine (1 for grading, and 1 for public display). This is a black & white (or whatever color paper you choose) zine created using a photocopier or printer. You can use your free prints allocation at the library.
The zine should include some of the library resources you think will be most useful and how to use them. It could also include maps, collages, and other illustrations. Your audience is future art/design students. Be ready to explain your design decisions in terms of subject/form/content/context. You will also turn in a list that explains which pages were completed by which group member.
Credit: Disobedient Electronics (2-color, sewn spine; see full zine here)
5 pts – anonymous grade from your group partners
3 pts – turned in 2 copies of the zine and the page explaining who completed which pages
3 pts – craft (were these cut out well, do the pages align, etc.)
4 pts – does it feature useful info about the library?
5 pts – is it well designed (think in terms of the elements/principles of design) and aimed at the target audience?