Why Are We Doing This? (objectives)
- To identify and discuss issues in contemporary art as it relates to students’ studio/design practice.
- To employ critical thinking through analysis of contemporary art topics
- To participate in social and civic responsibilities/activities (attending exhibits and events is an integral part of learning to be a member of an artistic community – it’s how artists and designers sustain their careers after graduating from college)
We will go to Boston to see the ICA.
Cost: Free (bring your student ID) – you can bring some money with you for dinner if you like, or you can bring your own snacks
3:30 – leave from behind the CVPA building (parking lot 7)
4:30-5pm – arrive at the ICA in Boston
9pm – leave come back to campus
10pm – arrive at campus
Often at museums and galleries, you will be asked to check your backpacks and/or coats. When we arrive, we will review the museum map as a group (if they have one). There will be a LOT of walking. Be ready by wearing comfortable shoes and layers of clothing that you can easily take-off/put-on. I always recommend keeping an eye out for any tours that might be passing through the museum – you can often tag along and hear a lot of interesting information that you wouldn’t otherwise get.
Create 4 trading cards. Each one will feature an image of an artwork you enjoy at the museum on the front, and on the back you will list:
- Artist,
- title,
- date,
- medium,
- dimensions,
- one sentence describing the subject,
- one sentence describing the form,
- one sentence describing the concept,
- and one sentence describing the context. (this may require some research).
Here is a Photoshop template (make sure your images/text fall inside the four boxes for both the front and back of your cards).
Submit 1 template for the fronts of your cards, and 1 template for the backs of your cards (both on Canvas).
Make sure to write down/print out the assignment so you don’t forget it when you are at the museum.
- If you are going to miss other classes for this trip, please email me the email addresses of your instructors, and I will contact them to get you excused from class.
- Everyone going on the Boston trip should go to the MyOrgs site via the UMass portal, and the link to the Risk and Release form is at the bottom of the page on the right under Assumption of Risk and Release Form.
- Questions? Please let me know right away.
- 5 points per trading card (20 pts total)
CREDIT: This assignment was inspired by Christa Wise