Why Are We Doing This? (objectives)
- To identify and discuss issues in contemporary art as it relates to students' studio practice. (we'll see a lot of art at these events)
- To investigate majors with in CVPA and possible career options (you'll see how other artists have managed their careers at these events)
- To recognize and utilize the intellectual community of the College of Visual and Performing Arts and resources of the University at large. (you'll meet a lot of people from CVPA, and you'll familiarize yourself with the various galleries and venues)
- To practice writing by reviewing art events in the community (we'll review these events through a variety of media)
- To employ critical thinking through analysis of contemporary art topics
- To participate in social and civic responsibilities/activities (attending exhibits and events is an integral part of learning to be a member of an artistic community - it's how artists and designers sustain their careers after graduating from college)
Students must attend the exhibition receptions and special events listed on the syllabus this semester. Additional required events may be announced after the start of the semester. Each time you attend an event, find me and I will ask you a question about the exhibit/talk/etc., and record your attendance on my list.
Remember that you do not have to stay the whole exhibit reception (unless there is an artist talk, in which case you must attend the talk) – you just have to spend some time checking out the work, find me and answer the question, and then you’re done. These events are open to the public – feel free to bring anyone and everyone you like!
Each event is worth 2 points.
NOTE: If you are unable to attend any of the events, instead of taking a zero, you can write a 3 page report on an artist I choose. It should briefly cover some biographical information and focus on how the artist works. Critique at least one of the artist's works in terms of subject/form/content/context. MLA format and citations are required. Your references should be from the library (books or databases), not the internet. You must turn in the paper by 5pm on the Friday after the reception (email it to me) - this means you must plan ahead.
Sergei M. Eisenstein, Shirin Neshat, Nam June Paik, Vito Acconci, Peter Campus, Valie Export, Joan Jonas, Diana Thater, Sarah Morris, Rachel Rose, Chloe Wise, Kate Cooper, Hannah Wilke, Martha Rosler, Wynne Greenwood, Dara Birnbaum, Jennifer Steinkamp, Doris Totten Chase, Meriem Bennani, Pipilotti Rist, Jon Jost, Leighton Pierce, Leslie Raymond, Scott Stark, Deborah Stratman, Mark Street, Pat O’Neil, Kyle Canterbury, Gregg Biermann, Bruce Conner, Craig Baldwin, Joseph Cornell, Gregg Biermann, Peter Tscherkassky, Siegfried A. Fruhauf, Martin Arnold, Bill Morrison, Robert Flowers, John and James Whitney, William Wegman, Stan Brakhage, Kenneth Anger, Paul Strand, Walther Ruttman, Hans Richter, Viking Eggling, Fernand Léger and Dudley Murphy, Oskar Fischinger, Jean Vigo, Dziga Vertov, Duchamp, Luis Buñuel, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Sharon Lockhart, Jane and Louise Wilson, Matthew Barney, Camille Henrot, Hito Steyerl, Mike Rottenburg, Bill Viola, Maya Deren, Miranda July, Isaac Julien, Wes Anderson, Charlie Kaufman, Andy Kaufman, Woody Vasulka, Gary Hill, Guy Ben-Ner, Beryl Korot, Ryan Trecartin, Peter Weible, Ira Schneider, Eija-Liisa Altheia, Tony Oursler, Heiko Daxl, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Mike Kelley, Todd Solondz, John Baldessari, Terry Fox, Bruce Nauman, Paul McCarthy, Marina Abromovic, Sam Taylor Wood, Lynda Benglis, David Wojarnowicz