
The Media

  1. What types of media would exist in your utopia?
  2. Who would control the media?
  3. Who would own the media?
  4. Would there be any censorship of the media? If so, what would be censored? Why? And who would do the censoring?
  5. Would participation in the media be open to all? If not, why not? If so, how would this be achieved?
  6. Would intellectual property be recognized in your utopia? If so, how?
Health & Medicine
  1. Would your utopia utilize allopathic (western) medicine?
  2. Would it utilize alternative (holistic, herbal, natural, etc.) approaches? If so, which ones? Why these particular ones?
  3. What role would preventative medicine have?
  4. Would everyone have equal access to medical treatment? If not, who would have preferential treatment? Why?
  5. How would your utopia deal with mental illness? Would psychotherapeutic approaches be used? If so, which ones? Why?
  6. Would psychiatric drugs be used?
  7. Would “death with dignity” (voluntary euthanasia) be allowed in your utopia?
Alcohol and Other Drugs
  1. Would alcohol be allowed in your utopia? If so, what if any restrictions would be placed on its use?
  2. Would tobacco be allowed? If so, what if any restrictions would be placed on its use?
  3. Would marijuana be allowed? If so, what if any restrictions would be placed on its use?
  4. Would other drugs be allowed? If so, which ones? What if any restrictions would be placed on their use?
