
Economics, Work, and Leisure

  1. How would production and distribution be organized in your utopia?
  2. Would your utopia retain the use of money? If not, would there be a means of exchange? If so, what?
  3. How would work be compensated? Would everyone receive equal compensation for hours worked? Would those who do dangerous or unpleasant work receive extra compensation or work fewer hours than those doing pleasant work? Would access to community goods and services be based solely on need or want, and not connected to work? If so, given present social conditioning, how would you prevent parasitism?
  4. How would people determine what jobs they do?
  5. Who would do economic planning? How—what would be the process?
  6. Would your utopia have sustainable economics (that is, economic processes that do not deplete or destroy unrenewable natural resources)? If so, how would your sustainable system differ from the current system? If so, how would you transition from the current economic system to a sustainable system?
  7. Would your utopia be based on private property? Common ownership? Or a combination of the two? If the latter, what would that combination be?
  8. How many hours per day would your utopians work?
  9. Would the standard of living in your utopia be poverty level (voluntary simplicity), middle class, or high on the hog?
  10. Would you set aside time for play and creative pursuits? How important would such time be in comparison with work time?
