RA5: Memory

  1. Read Ch 5: Memory
  2. Pick a partner to hold a discussion with.
  3. You will record a 2-minute discussion (like a mini podcast) about a subheading from the chapter (select from below).
    1. Memory is emotional
    2. Memory is Unreliable
    3. Memory is Multisensory
    4. Displaying evidence
    5. Reenacting the past
    6. Fracturing narratives and reshuffling memories
    7. Recovering History
    8. Rethinking History
    9. Reframing the Present
  4. The discussion must reference at least 2 quotes from the book. I suggest planning what you’ll discuss (will you compare/contrast something? Will you argue for/against something? etc.)
  5. Practice your discussion a few times.
  6. When you feel ready, record the conversation using the audio recording option on your phone, an actual audio recorder, or you could record via Facetime/Skype. Make sure you don’t put this off until the last minute – there will be no extensions for technical difficulties.
  7. Upload the recording to SoundCloud, or Google Drive, or YouTube, etc. (do not send me the file – I want a link)
  8. Submit the link on Canvas.