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JULIA CHIANG, “Sincerely Yours/ Love Always/ Hugs + Kisses” (2009) Ring Pops & nails


Elizabeth Willing, “Goosebump” (2010-2013) pfeffernüsse biscuits, royal icing, dimensions variable

Cyprien Gaillard Beer Pyramid

Cyprien Gaillard “The Recovery of Discovery” (2011)

heart strings


Above: Cayla Skillin-Brauchle, 2011, LOVE BOMB, Sugar coated plastic, Sugar, Liquid Gelatin. Sugar coated heart strings are dipped in liquid cherry Jell-O, creating a super sweet environment that pairs Hallmark greetings with a slaughterhouse aesthetic.


Christine Turner, “Lifescape” (2012) mixed media – biscuit tins, 250 x 250cm (dimensions variable)

Pip & Pop

judy chicago
Judy Chicago’s “Dinner Party”


Jennifer Rubell — Old-Fashioned, November 7, 2010

As viewers enter the courtyard, they are faced with an 8-foot by 60-foot freestanding wall. The front of the wall is pristine, with 1,521 donuts hung in a grid formation at perfect 6-inch intervals. The back of the wall is unfinished and practical, with visible framing, water barrels (for stabilization), angled supports, and a view of the hardware used to hang the donuts. The title, Old-Fashioned, both identifies the variety of donut hanging on the wall (the most basic and elemental in Dunkin’ Donuts’ lineup), and raises the question of what “old-fashioned” might mean in a contemporary-art context. Old-Fashioned was first presented from December 2-5, 2009 at the Rubell Family Collection and subsequently in 2010 at the LA County Museum of Art.


Jennifer Rubell, Padded Cell, Performa 11

Installed at the Performa 11 “Red Party” fundraiser, Jennifer Rubell’s Padded Cell is a sugary-sweet installation of around 1,600 cones of cotton candy in a 8 x 16 foot plywood room. The candy was free for the viewer to eat. Of the work, the artist states “Padded Cell acts as an escape…, an all-American funhouse that is at the same time confining, threatening, claustrophobic. It is an object that addresses the dark side of pleasure, the price of pleasure, the possibility that pleasure is its own punishment.” (MF)

WimDelvoye Meat Floor
Will Delvoye’s Meat Floors


William Delvoye’s Cloaca Machines

Work Style Vanessa Beecroft
Vanessa Beecroft VB65″ (2009) 

A-Z Food Group

Andrea Zittel “Food Group” (1993)
Andrea Zittel streamlined the meal preparation process in 1993 with A-Z Food Group, a ready-to-eat concoction of dehydrated grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables. With its twelve essential ingredients, Food Group, which resembles Fruity Pebbles minus the Day-Glo colors, can also be baked into a loaf or patties, or cooked as a stew. In 2000, Zittell installed the A-Z Food Prep Unit in her Brooklyn kitchen, which contained everything she needed to prepare Food Group in one compact space: refrigerator, dehydrator, cutting board and labeled jars with each ingredient.