QZ02: Color Theory & Application

IMPORTANT: Our textbook uses the term “color chords” to stand in for what are normally called “color schemes”. Please note that these terms are interchangeable.

Read pages 218-231 in “Drawing Essentials” by Deborah Rockman (read all the way through the section titled, “Drawing with Colored Media”). Then, answer the following questions on Canvas using complete sentences.

  1. What hues does a green apple absorb from a ray of light?
  2. Describe the objective color of an object near to you at this moment.
  3. How do you neutralize a color?
  4. Which colors have the highest contrast of hue?
  5. Which pure color has the darkest value?
  6. How do you make a cool color look warmer?
  7. What happens when you mix complimentary colors?
  8. If you stare at a patch of blue for several minutes and then stare at a white wall, what color will you see?
  9. How do you neutralize contrast of extension or proportion?
  10. What colors seem to advance or move toward the viewer?
  11. What color will be a component of a yellow box’s shadow?