P02: Alter Ego / Fictional Persona

Before we start, read these: 

“Maus – Book 1” by Art Spiegelman (see PDF on canvas site)
“Understanding Comics” by Scott McCloud (see PDFs on canvas site)

Why are we doing this?

This project will be our first multi-page project. This will provide an opportunity to experiment with multiple styles within a single work (see the 2 pages from “Maus” below – the first in the predominant style, the second in a completely different style for conceptual and narrative effect). We will also play with the popular graphic novel theme of ‘alter-ego or fictional persona’. We will further practice using colored pencils and color theory.

Predominant Style

Predominant Style (click to see larger)

Embedded Style for Conceptual Emphasis

Embedded Style for Conceptual Emphasis (click to see larger)


How are we doing this?

  1. First, you will brainstorm at least 10 alter-ego/fictional persona ideas – this can be a written list or a series of thumbnails.
  2. From there, you will select one idea and do an automatic writing (no editing, just get the whole idea down on paper). Make an accompanying rough storyboard of at least 11 thumbnails explaining the narrative; you will show this to the class for feedback. Identify a place where you can utilize a second style – your reasoning must be purposeful and conceptually sound. Here is another storyboarding tool.
  3. Using class feedback, you will create your drawings in colored pencil (you can use other media, but it must be predominantly colored pencil) for your graphic novel (each page must be 5.5″x8.5″ to work with the saddle stitched 9″x6″ book on Lulu). You must have at least 11 pages of imagery (if you want to do more, it must be in sets of two: 13 pages, 15 pages, 17 etc…)
    layout2  Book Details 1

    Book Details 2

    click on these 3 yellow boxes to select the correct product details

  4. You will create a multi-page PDF to upload to Lulu. HERE ARE THE STEP BY STEP DIRECTIONS. This will include your hand-drawn title page and colophon (includes publication year, title and author, copyright info, URL to your online store and/or URL to your personal website). You must order 2 copies: one for yourself and one to turn in to get credit. You must email your order receipt to me to get credit.


  • ability to follow directions
  • correct media
  • creative use of alter-ego or fictional persona
  • purposeful and conceptually-sound use of a second style within the work
  • use of color