05. Grading Policy

You are expected to put work in outside of class each week. If there is no evidence of dedicated work outside of class, your grade will suffer.

Work must be ready for class (whatever that entails for the medium we are currently working in). If your work does not fit these criteria, your grade will suffer.

In this class, it does not matter if you already know how to use the media, or are “good” at any of these tasks. Whether you’ve done some of these projects before, or are completely unfamiliar with them, you are expected to thoroughly immerse yourself in each project and medium. Failure to do so will cause your grade to suffer.

checkbox  Artistic creation is a comprehensive, developmental activity. Grading is based on the students’ performance in several related areas:

• Evidence of students’ understanding and proficiency of techniques and concepts

• Implementation of those ideas in the particular assignments

• Craftsmanship (as it relates to the medium of the work, etc)

• Degree of participation in class and in group-critiques

• Willingness and attitude to experiment

• Initiative demonstrated and individual effort during and after class time

• Overall preparedness and progress through the semester


The completion and fulfillment of criteria for an individual assignment grants you a C grade (75% of the available points). After that, the originality of the work, the clarity and thoroughness of an idea and the quality of the work’s execution will potentially raise your grade. Reworking projects if they were not as successful as they could have been is highly encouraged, and expected. There are absolutely no extra credit possibilities.

Your final grade will reflect the quality and completion of all assignments, your productivity, progress, effort and preparedness during class time and your participation and attendance during class and, in particular, at critiques.

98-100% = A+ 88-89% = B+ 78-79% = C+ 68-69% = D+
93-97% = A 83-87% = B 73-77% = C 63-67% = D
90-92% = A- 80-82% = B- 70-72% = C- 60-62% = D-
59% or lower = F

Meaning of your Grade – (taken from the Riegle Press, Inc., class record book)

 GRADE A: Superior

1.        Scholarship – Strong, exceeding requirements of instructor
2.        Initiative – Contributions exceeding the assignment, showing independent resourcefulness
3.        Attitude – Positive benefit to class
4.        Cooperation – Leading all group activities, constant and spontaneous
5.        Individual Improvement – Marked and growing

GRADE B: Good-Above Average

1.        Scholarship – Accurate and complete, meeting all requirements of instructor
2.        Initiative – Good when stimulated by some desireable achievement
3.        Attitude – Proper and beneficial to group
4.        Cooperation – Good in group work
5.        Individual improvement – showing marks of progress and responding to stimulation

GRADE C: Average

1.        Scholarship – Barely meeting assignments and showing evidence of need of encouragement
2.        Initiative – Uncertain and apparent only at times
3.        Attitude – Generally neutral but not objectionable
4.        Cooperation – Not positive nor very effective and irregular
5.        Individual Improvement – Very ordinary, definite marks lacking

GRADE D: Below Average, yet passing

1.        Scholarship – not meeting all assignments and requirements of instructor
2.        Initiative – lacking
3.        Attitude – Indifferent
4.        Cooperation – Just fair at times and lacking at other times
5.        Individual Improvement – not noticeable

GRADE F: Failing

Work unsatisfactory and is a failing grade and hence not defined.